Friday, September 14, 2018


Hi there I am pragya jain student of class 10 th at New Talent Public school Rajgarh.

My interest is in the area of web development , for that i create just small blogger based website for my school which i love to do.

I believe a part from school activity students should pay attention on outgoing activities also.
We have to choose over career by researching much everywhere.

How do you decide what career is best for you?

You know you’ve discovered your passion when you love what you are doing. 
" One of the huge mistake people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don't choose your passions. Your passion chooses you".
All of these are useful to remember for growing knowledge of your enablers for success. Enablers for success that are essential for your personal and professional development and in doing what you love.
I recently read an interesting book on the topic of how to find what you love to do. The book is by Cal Newport: So Good They Can’t Ignore You. The themes in Newport’s book are bound by a common thread: the importance of ability. His thesis is that the things that do a great job great are rare and valuable.

Projects You Should Know About Under the Digital India Initiative.....

Under this programme, the government plans to introduce Broadband Highways, Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity, Public Internet Access Programme, IT for Jobs and much more.
The governance will shift from fom e-governance to m-governance where “M is not Modi Governance, it is mobile governance,” said Modi. The initiative aims to bring big investments in the technology sector and this Rs 1.13 lakh crore initiative will help in creating a participative, transparent and responsive government.

Teamwork :At New Talent public School Rajgarh

A school environment offers students the opportunity to learn to work with others, which is a very important “real world” skill. 

Through games and projects, and even participation in after-school sports, children can learn the importance of forging relationships with each other. 

These activities can also help us learn to manage difficult personalities.

The Importance of School : Why i Love my school NTPHSS

 School serves a number of purposes from building confidence to teaching children the importance of teamwork and working with others. School helps guide youngsters though the establishment of a daily routine, which is of utmost importance as we direct them toward the workplace, and as they become productive members of society. Students are provided with access to new ideas, including science and language, and are given the opportunity to learn more about world cultures, geography, and personal history.

A few discussion activities for English language students

Preparing for discussion classes
Rajgarh :  This is important if you want to encourage real, free-flowing conversation. Get it wrong and students can get bored or, worse, feel intimidated and lose confidence.
When setting discussion questions, make sure the language and topic aren't too demanding. 
You need to grade the language of the questions to suit the level of your students, and check they understand any complex vocabulary or grammar in advance.